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Discover the equipment needed to work on muscle building for running and especially sprinting.
Power sled, resistance parachutes and other elastic bands will allow you to set up a real specific work of putting into action and muscle strengthening for the sprint.
Specific physical preparation work is essential for performance but also for injury prevention.



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Discover the equipment needed to work on muscle building for running and especially sprinting.
Power sled, resistance parachutes and other elastic bands will allow you to set up a real specific work of putting into action and muscle strengthening for the sprint.
Specific physical preparation work is essential for performance but also for injury ...
Discover the equipment needed to work on muscle building for running and especially sprinting.
Power sled, resistance parachutes and other elastic bands will allow you to set up a real specific work of putting into action and muscle strengthening for the sprint.
Specific physical preparation work is essential for performance but also for injury prevention.
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Showing 1 - 12 of 15 items
  • Wide belt closing with velcro, hugging the waist perfectly. Equipped with a strap with ring and carabiner to attach the belt to your traction trolley or other.   Dimensions: Length of the belt : 120cm. Width of the belt : 10cm Lenght of the strap : 10cm   Made in France by Dima

    from 48,33 €
  • The elastic band is a versatile accessory allowing the realization of many resistance and mobility exercises. These bands adapt to all levels and allow you to increase resistance during strengthening exercises, squats, bench press or to help you with pull up ...   Specs : Natural latex Length: 1M04 Thickness: 0.45CM Width and Color: Depend on the...

    from 6,67 €
  • The Power Sled basic is a dual function trolley. It can be used as a pull-out racing cart or as a push cart. Two large removable loading bars for bumper and plates.   70x 40 x 97 CM Empty weight: 13.7 KG   Made in France by Dima

    from 204,17 €
  • Wide belt attaching by Velcro, fits the waist perfectly.  Fitted with a ring on which to attach bungee or parablond cord (not supplied). Available in different sizes.   Made in France by Dima

    from 45,00 €
  • Dimafit power sled is a multi-fonction sled. Versatile it can be pulled using a harness and lead, pushed using the vertical plate racks or pushed using the two horizontal bars. Easy to load with olympic bumber.   Specification : Color/finishing : Black sanded for an optimum and comfortable grip. Footprint: 92 x 71 x 94cm Weight : 22 Kg   Made...

    from 305,83 €
  • Power sled to develop speed and strength for all athletes in all sports. Weighed down by 28mm diameter cast iron disc (not supplied). Delivered with a 10-meter strap harness.   Made in France by Dima

    from 141,67 €
  • DIMASPORT EXCLUSIVE PRODUCT This track and field "special start" power sled has been specialy designed to develop strength and speed. Its shape allows it to straddle the starting blocks. Weighed down by 28 mm diameter cast iron disc (not supplied). Delivered with a 10-meter strap harness. Overall dimensions : 91 x 90 x 58 cm   Made in France by Dima

    from 294,17 €
  • Resistance Speed Chute perfect for power and speed training. Used for physical condition workout in any sport and any level. Easy to set up with Velcro. Available in different sizes.

    from 45,00 €
  • The elastic roll is a totally safe alternative to a crossbar. Diameter 6mm

    from 15,83 €
  • The Dima overspeed / resistance system is a very usefull and effective tools for resistance & overspeed training. The work can be done by fixing the para blond tube to a fixed point or in pairs with an athlete in action and a helper who slows down the athlete's run. The system makes it possible to work on resistance but also on overspeed using the...

    from 245,00 €
  • Resistance belt perfect for speed and power training. This belt helps developping maximum strength and power for running and changing direction. It keeps resistance around the hips and the torso. Two handles fixed at one end to allow the trainer to hold back the athlete. Comprising a resistance training belt and 6 metres of elastic resistance cord.

    from 57,50 €
  • Easy fitting ankle resistance straps with Velcro flaps. Fitted with ring for attachment of bungee cord (not supplied). Sold by pair   Made in France by Dima

    from 31,67 €
Showing 1 - 12 of 15 items

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Designer, manufacturer and distributor of sport material for more than 50 years, Dimasport uses its experiences and knowledges of sport equipment industry by creating custom-made equipment.rnAs not all sports halls are standard in shape and size, we design and manufacture in France custom-made sports equipment which accurately fit into your available space.rnWe can closely monitor our special manufacturing requests, as our factory is located next door to our headquarter. Thanks to our made-to-measure service, we can create space efficient and well-equipped sports hall.rnDo not hesitate, ask for the impossible …

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